Sunday, August 9, 2009


Who ever thought that three little words would mean so much? I know how to say the
words " I Love You". I know that some people have a hard time showing their love
without words. I want to hear some very romantic and inventive ways to show that special person that you do in fact love them. I have read advice columns and articles that give pointers on how to say “I love you” or to show it with out saying the words, but they were
dull and uneventful.

My favorite comment on a blog post where the commenter gave the guy a few tips then
told the guy - “Once you have done those, here's a technique to know if she loves you too. Kiss her by the cheeks and say: "Happy Birthday" even though it's not her birthday and give her a bouquet of white roses. If she asks you why the flowers are white and not red, she loves you or is planning to love you in the near future.”

I read an advertisement for Luv Buz and what I thought was that it was just another way for someone to keep tabs on us, but it is supposed to send out a heart beat vibration during the day for that special someone when they are busy and can not answer a text or a call to let your sweetheart know that you are thinking about them at that
precise moment.

The concept seemed a little stalkerish to me when I envisioned a friend asking that certain someone“ Did you get
my pulses today?” It was a very sweet sentiment. I didn’t agree with replacing real communication. I guess it would work if your significant other was a firefighter or held an occupation to where he or she could not get home at night to tell you that they loved you.

How are some of the ways that you told or shown your sweetheart that you love them?

Ladies, what is the most romantic way that your man has ever shown you or told you that he loves you? I want to hear from the men as well. Men, what is the most romantic way that you have shown your love for your significant other or have told them “I love you”?

How many romantic ways are there other than the boring normal every day

three simple words? How do you say " I Love You " ?

I disagree with a lot of the boring "do it this way advice". The following article is not too bad

except for maybe # 8. ( #7 is my fave )

This is From:

How To Think of Ten Ways To Say " I Love You"

1.) Listen. Ask, “How is your day?” Those 4 simple words are so appreciated. It makes a girl feel like “For all
the complaining I do, he still asks. He cares that much.”

2.) Read between the lines. Picking up on her tone or silence shows “I’m listening and I understand you better
than anyone.” It really makes her feel validated.

3.) Say what’s on your mind. Let her know what you’re thinking or worrying about so she can learn to understand you.

4.) Share. It brings you closer to together when you have common interests. But it also helps her grow as a
person to try something new you like that she’s unfamiliar with.

5.) Forgive her. Laugh off the dumb little things she does. Move past the small things that bug you because you believe your relationship is worth it.

6.) Make her laugh. It will brighten her day.

7.) Take her side. Even when she’s being a little bit petty. It shows her who your priorities lie with.

8.) Tell her when she’s wrong. She’ll appreciate that you don’t placate her. When you respect her enough to say things that aren’t easy it Makes her feel like you take your relationship seriously.

9.) Create little rituals with her, like a set time to talk each day. It makes her feel like what you have is unique
and a constant.

10.) Say I love you. Every day. Nothing makes her feel more validated than waking up knowing you loved her yesterday, and you’re going to let her know that she’s loved still today, and tomorrow you will love her too.

Men - Have you ever honestly tried # 8 ? Let me know how that worked out for you.

My Favorite comment is from:

How do you say 'I love you...?'

Don't say it.

Show it. Make her feel very, very special. When you're with her, give her your full attention. Do not look at other
girls. Open the door for her when she comes in or goes out. Offer her a chair when she's about to sit. When she asks for a favor, do it at once and give it your best shot. When it rains, run to her side and open your umbrella
so she won't get wet. You know the rest. Just do it.

Once you have done those, here's a technique to know if she loves you too. Kiss her by the cheeks and say: "Happy Birthday" eventhough it's not her birthday and give her a bouquet of white roses. If she asks you why
the flowers are white and not red, she loves you or is planning to love you in the near future. Goodluck.

By~ RedSuaveSlayer

Luv Buz ( It seems stalkerish to me)

Here is part of their advertisement:

Less Is More. It's a simple idea: activate a tiny, pager-like receiver (wearable or carry-able) via the web or
phone, making it vibrate like a heartbeat. Instantly, that person knows they're in the hearts and minds of
someone who loves them.

Based out of Virginia Beach, VA, the LuvBuz concept was born out of a demand for communication in it's
simpliest form. When there is no time to answer a phone call or respond to a text message, LuvBuz provides
the solution to an endless need for meaningful communication.

What do you think about a paging system that would tell your sweetheart that you love them

by sending out a heart beat vibration?


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